The Sword Of The Black Press
The 40-year-old Gantt Report, authored by trailblazing journalist/entrepreneur Lucius Gantt, is one of the longest-running newspaper columns in America. In an exclusive interview, he tells readers why he’s ‘stayed Black.’

Never heard of Lucius Gantt? Here’s a sample of why he’s been considered one of America’s most provocative Black journalists for more than 40 years:
From “Jogging While Black” – I think closet Klansmen that are living by their guns today can easily die by a gunshot tomorrow, especially if they push up on a person of color that has a permit to carry a weapon.
From ‘Protest Pimps”– The people in Black communities that are hurting and mourning are not impressed by protest clowns that come to town to deliver philippic rants and raves that were choreographed and orchestrated by rednecks, hillbillies, conservatives and closet Klansmen!
From “Bernie’s Busted Revolution”– Turn out the lights, the party is over for Bernie Sanders. The “revolution” has been canceled!
Bernie chose to hire Black campaign workers that would parrot his messages and rubber-stamp his over-the-top proposals.
Sanders did not spend with Black media outlets, didn’t utilize Black political professionals, did not focus on issues of interest to Black voters and the Bernie Sanders campaign didn’t have a clue about how to motivate and influence the masses of Black voters.
The Gantt Report told you for decades that no Democratic candidate can win a rat race, a sack race or a political race without strong Black voter support.